An unbelievable, awful day. It started out so beautifully. Pure joy on so many faces. Then this thing of evil. I am struggling to comprehend. My friends are all safe, although some families have lost loved ones. Such pure evil. All of Boston is in shock. But I know this: love is stronger than hate.
Bill Dieh-Jones, 4.15.13
I had just passed 0.2 miles to go on Bolylston. I heard and saw the first blast but I thought it was a celebratory fireworks thing. The second was a block closer. Now a little scary (but I was SO close to the finish line. Then, police, ambulances, fire trucks, black SUV's and men in uniform with automatic rifles. I'm from Canada. Now it was getting scary. I could smell the smoke. I went into the Mandarin Hotel to use the restroom. They closed Boylston with baracades from along the sidewalks. Then they sent us out of the hotel into the mall. Then into the street. Thankfully I met my wife (by LUCK!!). We could not get to our hotel which was blocked off. I was in wet running clothes! We got around a back street and convinced them to let us in through the basement. I didn't start shaking until I heard how many people were injured or killed. I haven't stopped shaking yet.
Bob Steinberg, 4.15.13
We are deeply saddened at the news coming from Boston today. Our thoughts and prayers are with the City of Boston and everyone affected by this tragedy
City Park Runners, 4.15.13
Oh my God! TWO explosions at the finish line of Boston marathon! Saw a photo of several runners down with police everywhere and quite a bit of blood where several runners were down. Still trying to find out some details. Very scary situation.
Gary Gobiel, 4.15.13
Vivian? How is Vivian?
Michael Bennett, 4.15.13
Jake, Tim and I were waiting for Vivian at the family area a block away when the explosion happened. I had crossed the finish line about 30 minutes before the explosion and made my way to the family area where Jake and Tim were waiting. A few minutes later Kevin arrived just after the bombs went off. He had finished five minutes before the blast and saw the smoke from the explosion. The noise was terrifying especially after hearing the second blast. After five minutes they cleared the streets for emergency vehicles. I had not heard from Vivian and she was due any minute so I was very worried. Later I learned that she had been stopped at mile 25.9. She had fallen off her pace goal to stretch and walk a bit. Had she kept on pace as planned it might have been terrible. Thanks for thinking of us.
David Cormie, 4.15.13
Vivian? How is Vivian?
Michael Bennett, 4.15.13
Jake, Tim and I were waiting for Vivian at the family area a block away when the explosion happened. I had crossed the finish line about 30 minutes before the explosion and made my way to the family area where Jake and Tim were waiting. A few minutes later Kevin arrived just after the bombs went off. He had finished five minutes before the blast and saw the smoke from the explosion. The noise was terrifying especially after hearing the second blast. After five minutes they cleared the streets for emergency vehicles. I had not heard from Vivian and she was due any minute so I was very worried. Later I learned that she had been stopped at mile 25.9. She had fallen off her pace goal to stretch and walk a bit. Had she kept on pace as planned it might have been terrible. Thanks for thinking of us.
David Cormie, 4.15.13
Vivian Rachlis, 4.15.13
By attacking the marathon community, you're picking a fight with some of the most resilant, peaceful people on earth. We are strong as individuals, but even stronger as a united running community.
Jean-Paul Bedard, 4.15.13
The images of evil are beyond human comprehension. We flood the airwaves with hope and love. We are with you Boston.
We take some measure of comfort knowing our Manitoban runners and their families are safe and yet we mourn for the dead, the maimed, and the loss of innocence.
With tears brimming and with a heavy heart I say to you friends, it is a good day to be alive.
Gerald Boulet
David Cormie
Gordon Dalling
Doug DeJong
Bill Diehl-Jones
Kevin Donnelly
Brian Drummond
Jake Fehr
Fiona Fleming
Randy Gabel
Cathey Gornick
Marlis Jabs
Ray Jones
Mark Lawall
Justin Mangin
Mike McGovern
Peter Pazerniuk
John Power
Vivian Rachlis
David Ranta
Melanie Sifton
Marcel Sorin
Bob Steinberg
Tim Turner
David Watt
Julie Whelen