Thursday: 4.31 miles, 9:49 pace, steady run, -12 (-17 wc), light snow. Golf Course.This evening was the first full-marathon clinic. We're a small group of about a dozen runners but I expect we'll grow as the weather improves. Please consider joining us and spread the word... the more the merrier. Speaking of clinics, have you ever considered the privileged pace bunny? Aside from the glamorous lifestyle, the glory, and the unwavering respect and undying admiration of your group members, pace bunnies also get a free admission to the clinic, a very cool race-day tee-shirt, and... wait for it ... a 30% Running Room coupon! Personally I'm in it for the glam and the free tee-shirt. Some bunnies feel it's a great opportunity to hone budding leadership skills and it's nice to give back to the community to which we all belong. Henry is looking for a 4:30, a 4:45 and a 'to complete' bunny. I'll be pacing the 4:15 group this time around. If you're unable to join us for the clinic you're welcome to come along on the Wednesday and Sunday group runs. A big nod once again to Henry for leading another full-mary clinic... his leadership will get us across the finish line upright and smiling.
Friday: 2.34 miles, 9.25 pace, -12 (-20 wc), Olmands Creek (return).
Meet Annie, my spoiled rotten, slightly plump, 8 year old Golden Retriever. This evening was our inaugural run together. I've avoided running with her until now because she's pretty skittish and very strong. I've had my arm yanked and back twisted several times when she takes off like a rocket to chase down a rascally rabbit or squirrel as I hold the leash. I've tried the nose-halters but she hates it and I can never figure out how to put them on. I'm pleased to report this inaugural run with my k-9 bud went very well... she's zonked out on the floor as I type indicating it was a good workout. Initially she was a little nervous with the whole running thing... she wanted to go fast, really fast, but after reining her in several times, she slipped into the groove and all was well. I was even a tad proud of old Annie trotting along my side all happy and focussed. She's no longer just another pretty face to feed, she's a runner! I let her off-leash at Olmand's Creek Park and she pranced and danced through the inner field while I did a lap. I figure 2.5 miles is her upper limit, but we'll work her up to 5 miles; just wait and see. At last... she's finally earnedher supper! On a completely unrelated note, has your Garmin ever locked up? If so, here's the unlock sequence for the 205 and 305: press and hold the Reset/ Lap and Mode button simultaneously for a couple of seconds. This should unlock the Garmin. For more information jump here.
Sunday, Hypothermic Half Marathon, 13.42 miles, 9.03 pace, -12 (-17 wc).

Winter running doesn't get much better than today. It was an absolutely idyllic run; bright blue skies, good footing, warm temperature, excellent company and, the proverbial cherry on top, a most amazingly hearty breakfast with all the trimmings. Fort Whyte staff must have read last week's blog because this time around the coffee pot was flowing hot and strong! The volunteers were great, especially the gentleman on the Grant Avenue Preston trailhead who cheered us enthusiastically coming and going. Also the two little cheering girls sitting on the straw bales along the forest trail made my day! A nod goes to the Hawaii theme ladies located at the Shaftsbury end of the Preston Trail (I didn't know you could do that with coconut shells). The Finish Line Welcome Party of Terry, Murray, Rachelle, Kevin, and Anne warmed the heart.....
geeze, you guys really do care! My only concern was the last turn off the trail as you enter the parking lot towards the finish line. It was a treacherously slippery 90 degree turn that got polished smoother with each runner. A wheel barrel of sand would have been well placed.... considerations for next Hypo? Yup, it was a great day to be alive, but don't take my word for it... read these voodoo-solicited testimonials...
This from Lynda...After stories, while training in shorts down in Texas (just had to stick that in), I was most pleasantly surprised by the amazing weather today. The course was superb, bison and all; the company was wonderful, and the BRUNCH certainly lived up to its reputation. My first HYPO! What a superb event! Lynda
This from Terry...Murray , Kevin, Ann, and my self did not run, we were the welcome back party at the finish line, our small way of GIVING back to the running. Just want to let you know and the rest of the runners, you all did a FABULOUS job out there, and looked GREAT COMING HOME.CONGRATS to MARIO, he was able to beat his sons pb, way to go MARIO, you rock. Terry
This from Tom... It was an excellent day for the Hypo... sure beat -47! I hope that everyone who ran had a good race. Just finishing it makes it good, right? If it was your first Half Marathon, way to go!
See you out running. Tom
This from Ken... Yes, it was a great run. This was the first time for me(10:00 start). I was so glad that the cold snap we have been enduring finally broke and beautiful sunshine and hardly any wind to go with the mild temperature. I ran with Bernie for most of the course and he was dealing

with some back pain but we finished pretty much together (2:15 something) Thanks for the company Bernie- enjoyed the run and brunch with you. For myself I was just happy to participate because I had not run since The Great Grain Relay. Prior to that event my left ankle had been acting up and during that race it was OK, however later that night I tripped over the cat in a dark hallway and that did it. I went to the Pan Am Clinic a few days later to get it looked at. They took some x-rays, gave me a prescription for anti-inflammatorys, said come back in 2 weeks and don't run. I guess I don't listen very well- Oh No- I'm as bad as my kids! The ankle feels fine so it's on to next race.Thanks to the organizers and volunteers. See you soon, Ken
This from Gwen... What a perfect day for a run. I ran for fun! - this was the first time I actually enjoyed myself. I didn't care about my time, instead I focused on having a great time with
my running companions, great food and a wonderful massage afterwards. Michael, thank you for being such a great leader. You never once complained about our whining. My biggest regret was not being there to make snow angels! It was a pleasure running with you, such a gentleman. (Shucks Gwen... t'waint nuthin. You made it fun. MB). Take care. See you at the Running Room. Gwen
This from Gill... What a gorgeous day for a run! A huge contrast to last year…not that my time was much better, but this year I’d attribute that to my spotty training & certainly not the conditions. I think the Hypo is good race to keep me moving over the winter & not one where I’m trying for any PBs. As for Scott & Mario, well what can I say, they’re fast and strong. Well done, everyone, and thanks for the company along the way, Gwen, Viv, Bev, and Lori! I would like to say ....

This was my third (and sadly my last due to moving on from Cananda) Hypothermic Half. Having just arrived from a balmy Madrid a few weeks before my first run, I honestly wondered whether I had finally lost my sanity! However, despite trudging through snow in a howling wind, it was surprisingly fun purely due to the incredible spirit of all those who encouraged me along the way, most notably Gwen for the majority of the run and then Shelley during the last mile! Last year was equally as much fun although I felt slightly more prepared having more experience of Winnipeg winter running!. On reflection, this last year may have been the best. I shall never forget some of the runs we have had this winter in preparation for today’s Hypo. There were certainly days this winter when there would have b
een NO way I would have stepped out the door had it not been for all the fantastic people I have been able to run with. When
you know your running group and friends will be waiting either on Corydon and Wentorth, or at the Running Room, it certainly helps you get out of bed when it is way below -30 and put those running shoes on. And then of course, today was just the most beautiful morning of the winter so far, what a wonderful memory to take with me. So, many thanks to everyone with whom I have been out running with this winter, we have had many laughs, many well earned coffees and brunches and a lot of fun – you really are truly awesome people. And yeah, soon we have Spring and Summer running to look forward to! Gill
I think Gill has made an important observation. We depend on each other and care for each other like no other group. It's been an amazing 16 weeks of training together. It's been damn cold but the friendship and coffee is warm like the Mediterranean sun. Thank you all for having me along for the run. Cheers all, M...
And this just in from Sandra... Sorry I didn't reply to your request even with threats of voodoo dolls. I was nursing a bit of a muscle strain with ice and advil and then I went out to get some stuff for my Hong Kong trip. So I just checked my email and enjoyed everyones comments. I just wanted to thank you for being our leader and all the inspiration you provided on those freezing cold days that kept us coming out. I am planning on coming to the clinic on Thurs, but I am not sure if I will be running or nursing the strain.
See you then. Sandra
And this just in from Mario... Hey Mikey !!! The course and weather were perfect !! The only little problem was that there wasn’t any mile markers , and could have used more signs. It is not much of a problem. Great job on the course route this year. We got lucky this one. Mario (I tend to agree with Mario, mile markers would have helped. MB)
Week Mileage: 24.38.
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