Meet 101 year old Buster Martin. Buster returned to work as a plumber at age 99 because, after 2 years of retirement, he was bored. Buster recently completed The Roding Valley Half Marathon in Essex with a time of 5 hours, 13 minutes. His band, The Zimmers, have a combined age of over 3000 years and scored a hit single for their cover of My Generation (give it a listen). He is presently training for the London Full Marathon on April 13. Buster says "It's about time someone my age did the marathon. It will be a record, though I'm not doing it for that. I just want to show that old people can do things." His first words upon crossing the half-marathon finish line were "Where's my beer?". I for one will be raising a pint of Guinness to Buster on April 13. Go Buster, go!
Congratulations to Terry Bialek who completed the Barcelona Marathon on March 2 upright and smiling broadly. Terry runs out of the Pembina Running Room and is a member of Canada's Team Diabetes. Terry raised $7275 for The Canadian Diabetes Association and his team of 19 collectively raised over $140,000. Clearly this was a very emotional run for Terry and Team Diabetes. Terry tells the story of one young member who crossed the finish line with a time of 6 hours, 19 seconds. The race official kept the course open an additional 19 seconds so she could finish with dignity. He tells of one runner who ran the race for a best friend who died from diabetes days after learning his wife was pregnant with their third child. Three of the 19 runners
My own experience with diabetes is small yet poignant. I taught a little girl about 15 years ago. Her skin was pale, she had no energy, no friends, and she simply wasn't learning. We were all at loss as to help. Later that year she was diagnosed with Diabetes and within a week of proper medical care and diet she was a happy bubbly little girl. We all know someone with Diabetes. Some of us, like Terry, try to do something about it. It's regular folk like Terry and Buster that act on their convictions and work to change the world, one step at a time. One tiny step at a time. Good for you Terry, you make us all proud!
Wednesday, 6.04 miles, 9.15 pace, +2 (Toronto -2/ -8 wind chill :>) Ann H, Terry P, Lorie, Nazeer, Debbie, Onkar, Tom, Tracy, and Sandy.
Tom, Sandy, and Tracy normally run out of the Pembina store, but are joining us on Wednesdays. They like the tempo and we like having them with us... a symbiotic relationship. Tom is training for the Fargo Half and the Manitoba Half while Sandy is training for the Manitoba Half. We ran with Terry Pitcher's group this evening. Terry managed to find dry pavement and avoided the largest of the puddles. It was as good pace, faster than I normally remember from Terry. He must be eating his Wheaties. The warm temperatures are a welcome relief from the frigid climes, but the puddles and sand are a real hazard. Hopefully things will dry up soon.
Thursday, 5.0 miles, 8:57 pace, -1 (-8 w/c), Grant/ Chafont/ Corydon/ Valley/ Grant. Henry, Madeline, Nazeer, David, Al, Naomi, Alex.
Henry had us stretch from head to toe and discussed the importance of each muscle as we stretched. It felt great, but some of those muscles hadn't been stretched for a long time! I must admit I rarely give stretching the attention it deserves. I probably stretch less than 5 minutes after running 10 miles... I know, bad Mike, bad! The puddles along Grant weren't too bad except for that one lake which we precariously managed to portage by scrambling along a sand covered snow bank. We started pretty slow, but by the time we reached Chafont we were in full pace. David is training for a fast marathon so I joined up with him and ran the last couple of miles at a sub-nine pace. It was an exhilarating pace, but clearly out of my league.
Sunday, 10.16 miles, 9.51 pace (w/w), -11 (-17 w/c)
Nazeer, Naomi, Rodica, Debby, Lynda, Lyle, Ken, Myles, Al, Onkar, Diane, and Dinu.
There were huge crowds at the Running Room this morning. I guess the warm weather is bringing out the treadmill runners in droves. It's nice to see all the new faces, but a special nod goes to all those runners who ran all winter regardless of the weather. We're a tough bunch. Tough but crazy. We miss Sandra who is still nursing a nasty muscle injury she received at the Hypo from a wayward dog. Apparently she's getting to know her elliptical machine very well and is icing the muscle and attending physio regularly. Sandra is determined to stay true to her MB marathon goal. We're all rooting for you Sandra. Get well soon! It was great having Lyle back with us this morning. He ran a 1:44 at last year's Police Half so he's pretty quick. Diane also joined us midway down Wellington Crescent. She just sort of appeared out of nowhere and ran with us for about 6 miles. Gwen and Vivian (and Mildred I believe) had an idyllic 10 mile run through the forest. I believe they are training for the Police Half.
Last week I sent an email out requesting a used pair of size 12 running shoes for a troubled student at my school. Typically, the response from the running community was overwhelming! About a dozen runners responded within a day with offers of cash to purchase a brand new pair. Many others committed $5.00 or more towards the cause. As it turns out my good friend Nazeer donated a lightly used pair of size 11 and 1/2. And then again this afternoon I received an email from Rachell with an offer of a second pair (size 13). Thank you all very much for the huge response. You're simply amazing.
A final note... many of us will be climbing on our bicycles within the next week or so. be sure to "Do The Test" (sidebar) and be careful out there.
And yet another good week of running and friendships. Cheers all, M
Week mileage: 21.2
I thought i was more memorable than that! I made it out to my first Wednesday run and you manage to forget me. How can that be? I guess I will have to make my conversation more stimulating, huh. jk. See you on Wednesday.
Ooops... how could I have forgotten Naomi!? Our fast bunny. Cheers, M
wow, love your inspirational stories! And it sounds so nice to have a group to go running with. Good luck with everything and I'll be sure to check back!
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