Welcome to the new blog, See Mike Run. In the coming days you'll see a new masthead and a new layout. All the previous posts from Car Back will remain in the archive, and the url remains unchanged. Those of you growing up in the 40's, 50's, and 60's will remember the Dick and Jane readers. Some of you may remember the first words we learned to read, "look", "see", and then, within several pages, "run". Who knew back in the day that these three letters, r-u-n, this teeny, tiny little verb would become such an important and defining part of my life force. It's weird how something so insignificant from one's distant past can come back in such a profound way! Run.
Like its predecessor, Run Mike Run will continue the search for answers to why we run. Bono says it best... I still haven't found what I'm looking for.
Stay tuned! Michael
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