Monday, June 30, 2014

What's the best darn Energy Bar in the world?

Twelve very active friends have volunteered to participate in a 'blind poll' to definitively answer the ageless question that has plagued athletes since the dawn of time, or since last week when I first put the bug in their ears... 
What's the best darn Energy Bar in the world?

Yup, See Mike Run doesn't shy away from investigative journalism. Bring on the tough questions! 

Each of the participants will sample ten different Energy Bars that are identified by number only. While they munch on the samples they will answer a series of questions. The results will be published on SMR within a week (or so).

With thanks to....
Carly Walsh
Bob Nicol
David Fielder
Ainsley MacDougall
Fern Berard
Darcie Wadelius
Connie Lowe
Melissa Budd
Tim MacKay
Joanne Schiewe
Cynthia Menzies
Nadine Linder

Happy Canada Day everyone; it's a good day to be alive all full of energy and good health!


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