"Oh, oh" says wife.
Jennifer and I are caring for a mother cat and her three kittens for three weeks. Here's the awesome idea....
Why not make the kitties work for their kibble and grow some cash for Art City?
Serious blogger at work. Barn Hammer Brewing Company, 595 Wall Street, Winnipeg |
Starting today, for the very low price of $25 (all funds payable to Moving My Feet for Art City), you can cuddle kittens in a nice warm room, on a comfy chair, in front of a crackling fire with a pot of tea, with a playlist of your choice. And, if that's not enough, you get a tax receipt! It's like free kitty therapy.
Group rates available.
Kidding of course... I'm still a little delirious from the run. Come and cuddle kitties anytime (but be prepared for some arm twisting).
I had the good company of Carly for 11 miles this morning (and Tim, Lynn, and Darcie on previous runs). We talked Netflix (Ozark), podcasts (S Town), books (Kindle vs paper) friendships, children, relationships, work challenges, and on and on. We chatted, and chuckled, and listend respectfully. It was an affirmation that all is right in the world, and it is indeed a good day to be alive. The miles passed quickly and comfortably.
We danced along Wellington and grooved on Wolseley.
What will our $3000 contribution mean to Art City? What are the tangible results? Can it be measured in quantitative terms? For sake of argument let's say yes. In quantitative term $3000 will buy... oh I don't know... let's say:
- 1000 paintbrushes or,
- 30 gallons of paint or,
- a wheelbarrow full of googly eyes or,
- nutritious snacks for a month or,
- who cares?
I have no idea and I really don't care, and neither should you.
It's the qualitative experience that excites me. What will $3000 buy in qualitative terms? I say with certainty our $3000 will buy:
- an opportunity for West Broadway youth, who do not have the opportunity as their same aged peers in other areas of Winnipeg, to explore and express their creative potential in a warm, inclusive environment.
- a dedicated and caring staff whose primary goal is to make all youth (and adults) feel accepted, valued, and safe.
- an anchor for the community where citizens of all walks gather to celebrate life.
- a residency program featuring artists from (literally) all over the world who roll up their sleeves and work with West Broadway youth for a week, developing incredible art projects and then another artist and another week, then another....
- a weekly outreach program that services 6 communities city wide.
I can keep going but I think you catch my drift. Art City cannot be measured in quantitative terms (as much as the beancounters would like it to be that simple). I've said it before but it bears repeating here:
Art City:
- is a lifeline for West Broadway,
- fills the cracks and voids of social programming and access to mental health opportunities,
- is a beacon of possibility, a place of hope, a bed of positivity.
How can one possibly measure that in quantitative terms?
I'm shooting for $3000. At this moment I have reached $2015, a little more than two thirds of my goal.
Come for kitty therapy and help close the gap. Like a kitty on your lap on a cold winter afternoon, you'll feel warm and fuzzy all over. Click, click, click....
To donate please click here or click the widget on the sidebar.
It is, without a doubt, a good day to be alive.