Still a little sore...
I'm still a little sore from the Twin Cities Marathon so I've decide to take Sandra's advice and lay low... give the bod a good rest. She reminded me that four week's rest following a marathon is the recommended recovery period. Thanks for the good advice Sandra... just what the doctor ordered. I've been walking, raking, and generally just being a middle aged, middle class kind of a guy.... yup, boring as hell! You know you're bored when you sweep your driveway twice in one weekend and you find yourself longingly staring at the runners whizzing by (they look so damn good, all sleek and fast).
My current goal is to complete the Hypo-thermic half-marathon on March 1 with a sub two-hour time. This isn't a race to set p.b.'s but what the hey, it's a goal and a goal's just that, a goal. If you achieve it, good for you, if you don't, there's always next time. The important thing is to set goals and put in the sweat equity, log the miles, freeze your butt, and have a good time. If you meet a few new people along the way all the better. Hope to see you soon, slogging it out on the trails.
By the way, I'm looking for guest bloggers. If you have a story to tell about a race, a particularly gruelling training run, an announcement, a funny story, or some running wisdom of any kind, please send it my way for publication on See Mike Run. Photos add zest to the stories so send them along too. Please don't be bashful. Surely to goodness you're tired of reading my stuff!? Shel gave me the idea of guest bloggers with her Ten Reasons To Love Minneapolis blog. Thanks Shel. Any takers?
Stay healthy, stay tuned. Mike
Sounds like things are going well. Is that picture a current one? Is it really snowing that much already? I really admire you northern folks and the determination and true grit it takes to run in the cold! Good luck!
Jen, No the picture isn't current. I just plucked it from the web. I like it because it reminds me of winter running. We don't have snow yet, but it's coming! Thanks for your admiration of Northern Folks. We do tend to take some pride in our ability to run in frigid weather... what doesn't kill you... Mike
Just want to touch base with you, Mike. Glad to hear that you're taking a much needed rest. I'm really enjoying your blog! Always admire your positive attitude, sense of humor and determination. Looking forward to running with you for some of the Hypo training.
Thanks Debbie! It's great to hear from you again. I understand the PB clinic was great. No doubt I'll be seeing you the trails in a week or two. Cheers, Mike
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