Wednesday, October 22, 2008

WPS Half Marathon

Don't forget to sign up for the Winnipeg Police Half Marathon. You can save $5.00 by signing up before October 31 so go ahead... what are you waiting for? Click here to register. Don't be disappointed; this race has a limited number of spots so click now. Race Director Nick Paulet tells me he's thinking of changing the name of this year's run to "I-lost-my-shirt-in-the-stock-market-and-I-don't-care Half Marathon". There's a new start line, a guaranteed 13.1 mile course, a technical long sleeve finisher's shirt and all sorts of other firsts. Clearly, Nick has been listening to the running community and is planning the best race ever. The thing I love about The Cop's Run is that it marks the start of a new season, new pb's, new goals, new friends, and generally, for me, a new pair of running shoes. :>) M


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed that run last year so I definitely will register. One week later maybe it will be warmer than last year.

Unknown said...

Hey Jacques. Good to hear from you. We should get together for a shorter run and a longer cup of coffee. What's up with you? M

Jen said...

Wish I could do this one! Sounds like a good one complete with bagpipes and all!

Unknown said...

Hi Jen, Good to hear from you. Yes indeed, this is a good run, however, it can also be brutal! The temperatures for some of the training runs have been downright dnagerous. I believe last year, on one 12 mile training run it was about -52 with the windchill factor. The snow can also be challenging. Sometimes it's so thick you can only plow your way through and other times it's so slushy you get froze with wet feet. Anyhow, a thrills a thrill! Talk to you soon. Mike