We had our last school run this morning. It was great fun and I promised the kiddies that we'll start up again in September. Here's the numbers:
- 3800... number of kilometers we logged.
- 130... number of student participants.
- 33... number of parent volunteers.
- 32 number of students, moms, dads, and staff participating in the marathon.
- 1250+ ... number of freezies consumed by running club.
- priceless... number of laughs and talks with the kids.
My grade 8 student who is running the 1/2 marathon asked if he could join me for the first 5 or 6 miles where the full and half separate. I told him we'd be honored to have him join us. I'm thinking I might also try to hook him up with a 2:15 group but then again that might be too slow for him. I'll figure something out.
Speaking of figuring... I'm trying to figure out what to do with this blog after the race. It was intended to track the 6 months leading up to the marathon. Now that we're almost there I'm not sure where to go from here... what to do with the blog?
Rest well, don't forget to pick up you're race kit. Bye for now. M
You must keep this blog going. Reading this blog has become a part of my monday (now daily) morning routine, and i don't know what i would do without it. If you stop writing, it would be like losing a best friend.
I will be cheering from the sidelines on Sunday. See you there!
I agree with Naomi. There's always a next race to train for and write about! And I'm so impressed with the school running group! It's amazing and so good for all involved!
Good luck to you all on Sunday, my thoughts will be with you!
Thanks Naomi. Thanks Jen. You two are great. Imagine that, my blog being your best friend. Now Naomi, I could make a comment about you needing to get out more, but i'll bit my tongue ;>)
Thanks to both of you for your good cheer; I really appreciate it. M
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