Friday, March 18, 2011

Skins Compression Wear

Thought some of you might be interested in this event sponsored by City Park Runners.  Tell Erick or Cheryl that Mike sent you!  

Cheers,  Mike


WHEN -  Thursday, March 24th, 7:00 pm

WHERE -  CITY PARK RUNNERS , 2091 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg

WHAT -   The “SKINS” rep will be on hand to talk to us about the features and benefits of compressionwear and specifically how SKINS can improve performance and recovery.   In addition, there will be an opportunity to purchase SKINS at a reduced cost just on that evening. For example….

Sport Tights –  ( reg $149.99 )  /  On event night only $75.00 plus S&H
Half Tights- ( reg $99.99 ) / On event night $50.00 plus S&H
Travel & Recovery Tights – ( reg $159.99 ) / On event night $80.00 plus S&H

Men’s and Women’s available.

IMPORTANT – Please RSVP by March 22nd with a return email as to who is coming so we can prepare.

Hope to see you out next Thursday !  Why not come for a run at 6:00 before the event?

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